O believers! Enter into Islam wholeheartedly and do not follow Satan’s footsteps. Surely he is your sworn enemy. 2:208
As a new Muslim transitioning into your practice of Islam and finding your place in the community is a process and can take time. The important thing is to keep moving forward in your practice and to stay connected with the Muslim community. Majid At-Tawheed wants converts to know we are here to help you in that process. Please sign up for our new convert database (link here) so that we can keep in touch with you and keep you informed of events and educational opportunities happening in the Masjid. If there are any particular issues that you need help with, please contact the Imam. Imam Kip is a convert himself and so he is familiar
Bethanie Cook
Asalamalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu Hello my name is Bethanie and I embraced Islam October of 2021 Alhamdulillah. It was over the phone through text messaging. I was wondering if I could get the Shahada certificate, as I will need it for future. Thank you for your time.
Ahmed Gammal
Walykom Assalam sister-
You can come see Imam at the masjid after Maghreb or Ishaa anytime of the week.